What Causes Pelvic Pain?

Pelvic pain is a complex issue and there can be a multitude of reasons for experiencing this problem. While it can affect both sexes, women typically experience this issue more often. To diagnose what’s going on, women should find a gynecologist for proper diagnosis of the root cause so it can get treated. Here are the top potential reasons for what causes pelvic pain and what you can do about it.

Reproductive System Causes

Many women commonly experience pelvic pain during their menstrual cycle. However, severe cramping can be a sign of endometriosis. This chronic condition is the result of uterine tissue growth outside of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy can also cause sharp pelvic pain, along with vaginal bleeding, nausea, and dizziness. Professional diagnosis and treatment are required for managing these conditions. These issues may lead to infertility which requires treatment options such as medicines, assisted reproductive technology, and surgery.

Other reproductive system issues for what causes pelvic pain include uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. These issues are typically harmless and resolve themselves. Another common issue for older women is pelvic organ prolapse. As women age, weakened ligaments and tissues can cause the uterus, rectum, or bladder to slip downward, which can cause pain and discomfort during sexual activity. Treatment options for reproductive issues may include hormone therapy and menopause treatment.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases can cause pelvic pain and a host of other symptoms. One complication that can occur from sexually transmitted diseases is pelvic inflammatory disease. This is an infection that travels from the vagina up into the womb. A professional diagnosis along with medical treatment is necessary. These conditions are often treated by antibiotics or antiviral medications.

Bladder or Kidney Causes

Issues with the bladder or kidney can also cause pelvic pain. Kidney stones and urinary tract infections can create severe discomfort and lead to serious life threatening conditions if left untreated. Interstitial cystitis is a common issue for women over 30 years old that’s related to bladder inflammation. It can cause symptoms similar to a bladder infection such as pain during urination and sexual intercourse. Treatment options for these conditions can include diet and lifestyle changes, medications, physical therapy, and surgery.

To manage your pelvic pain at home, you can try taking over-the-counter pain medications or using a heating pad or stretching exercises to find relief. A full exam from a local gynecologist can determine what causes pelvic pain that you’re experiencing and recommend the appropriate treatment. If you’re experiencing severe pelvic pain with nausea or fever, you may want to seek medical help immediately.

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