Whats For Breakfast? How About Some Perfectly Prepared Waffles

The ideal morning for most Americans starts off with a great breakfast. About 93% of Americans believe that breakfast is, in fact, the most important meal. Unfortunately, only about 44% take the time to eat a proper breakfast.
Why are so many people forgoing the joy of breakfast? Ramping up your breakfast game is a great way to have the fuel you need on tap to get through the day.
Time Seems To Be An Issue
Mornings can be a hectic time in most households. Parents are rushing off to work, kids need to get out the door to school. A lot of Americans are running out on breakfast. If you ask people why they do not eat a proper breakfast nine times out of ten they will respond that they do not have time.
However, it is important to find the time. The experts have been researching the benefits of eating breakfast and this is what they found:
- Children that ate breakfast at home got better grades than children that skipped breakfast or ate at school.
- German researchers found that you can burn about 2x’s the number of calories if you eat breakfast than if you do not.
- Skipping breakfast every day can be tied to a higher risk for heart disease and type II diabetes.
- The University of Missouri found that teens that sit down and eat breakfast every day with their families have a more positive body image.
There is a litany of research that supports not only the health benefits but the mental health benefits of enjoying a morning meal with your family. It is a worthy goal to have a good breakfast in the morning.
What’s For Breakfast?
Many families spend a lot of time thinking about what’s for dinner but they neglect that morning meal when it comes to consideration. A little pre-planning can help you and your family to enjoy a great breakfast together before everyone has to rush out the door.
Timing is everything. Getting everyone up 30 minutes early than they normally do can help to make sure everyone makes it to the table on time for a great breakfast. Of course, you also want to make sure that you are delivering the food that everyone will eat.
Breakfast during the week can be more than a scrambled egg or two and a slice of toast. Keeping everyone looking forward to breakfast in the mornings can help ensure everyone gets up on time and rushes to the table.
Waffles Are Not Just Weekend Food
Why wait until the weekend to take the family out to your favorite breakfast spot for waffles when you can make them right at home? Waffle makers are a great piece of kitchen equipment that can help you to have breakfast on the table in as little as 7 minutes (3 minutes to prepare and about 4 minutes to cook).
Waffles are a great fun breakfast food that the whole family will love. Getting a high quality waffle maker is your first step in creating a delicious nutritious family breakfast. Learning how long to cook waffles in a waffle maker is your next. Once you learn how long to cook waffles in a waffle maker, you can get really creative with your breakfast.
Waffle makers are relatively inexpensive and a great investment for any kitchen. Once you have one you will use it often. It can help you to create inexpensive meals that look like they have taken hours to put together.
Your new waffle maker can be very affordable and will come complete with directions on how long to cook waffles in waffle maker according to the manufacturer. You do not have to be a culinary whiz to create amazingly delicious waffles.
Pressed For Time During the Week?
If your household is really pressed for time during the weekdays, did you know that you can easily freeze homemade waffles and then pop them in the toaster? You can prepare your favorite waffle recipe on a Sunday afternoon, and freeze the batch to be ready for the week.
In a couple of minutes, you can have hot fresh waffles on the table or in hand as everyone runs out the door. You get all the benefits of a delicious homemade breakfast without the time constraints when you do a little prep work early in the week and pop your waffles in the freezer.
Practice Makes Perfect When It Comes To Waffle Making
Yes, your waffle maker will come with directions on how long to cook waffles in waffle maker, but those directions are not going to exactly match how you like your waffles. How long to cook waffles in waffle maker to perfection really comes down to personal preference for you and your family.
The average waffle takes about 4 minutes to cook. That is 4 minutes from mixing bowl to the table. If you like your waffle a little more crispy than how long to cook waffles in waffle maker for you may be a tad bit longer. If your like your waffles a little more fluffy and pancake-like than how long to cook waffles in waffle maker for you may be a tad bit shorter.
Experimenting with your waffle maker regularly will make you a pro at how long to cook waffles in waffle maker, what type of batter consistency is best for your family’s palette, and which toppings ensure everyone gobbles up their breakfast and gets out the door quick.
Some Tips To Make Waffles Super Healthy Food Options
Waffles have been around for a long time. The ancient Greeks are credited for being the first to create this breakfast pastry. They never had to worry about how long to cook waffles in waffle maker, because their “waffle maker” was simply to hot metal pans that they cooked their “waffles” in.
The Dutch are credited with the invention of the modern-day waffle. In the 15th century, the Dutch invented rectangular-shaped metal plates with grids in them to create the first Wafel makers. By the late 1800s waffles had become a favorite food in America and the first patent for an electric waffle maker was issued.
Of course, many parents worry about loading their kids up on carbs and sweets in the morning. Traditional toppings like maple syrup over the traditionally sweet waffle may be a bit more sugar you want your family to have. Don’t worry there are ways to sneak in all the healthy goodness you want without really altering the taste or the fun of waffles.
You can even make gluten-free waffles and keto-friendly waffles. There are so many ways you can make waffles healthy and nutritious. Here are some ideas:
- Simple seven ingredient gluten-free waffles. Take 2 cups of gluten-free oats, two eggs, one whole banana, about 2 teaspoons full of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Blend it all together in the blender and let it sit while your waffle iron heats up. How long to cook waffles in waffle maker for this recipe? Watch for the steam coming from your iron to stop. Top with blueberries, banana slices and syrup if you like.
- Add in’s for your waffles can make them healthier. Add some flax seed to whole wheat waffles. Use organics in your waffles. Adding in some “secret ingredients” can help to make waffles a nutritious powerhouse while preserving the flavor and the fun of having waffles for breakfast any day of the week.
- Keto friendly waffles. Almond flour is a great substitute for white flour. Use 4 large eggs, 4 oz of cream cheese, ½ cup of almond flour, 2 tablespoons of melted butter or coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon of keto friendly sweetener. How long to cook waffles in waffle maker for this recipe? About 4 minutes and they are done.
Try to experiment with different flavors to change up the taste of the waffles. Getting creative is easy with when you become a master of your waffle maker.
Keep in mind you may have to adjust how long to cook waffles in waffle maker depending on which ingredients you use in your batter, the type of waffle maker you have, and how crispy you want your waffles to be.
For example savory type batters that include things like avocados, bacon and other ingredients may take a little longer than the average 4 minutes traditional waffles take. A good rule of thumb is to watch the steam that comes from your waffle maker to determine doneness. When the steam slows down considerably the waffles will be done but done to a less crispy finish. When the steam stops completely your waffles will be on the crispy side.
What Can We Top Them With?
Of course, the batter is important and how long you cook waffles in waffle maker, but that is not the only thing a great waffle is about. You have to have the right toppings. Many traditionalists opt for maple syrup pooling in the little squares with a nice pat of butter melting in, but waffles can be the perfect mantel for so much more.
Fresh berries in season are a great topping. Some creamy Greek yogurt, a fried egg, some bacon, and more can top off your waffle creations perfectly. Some folks like to spread on cream cheese and jelly on top of their waffle.
Slice up some banana, sprinkle on some cinnamon, add a healthy dollop of whip cream with powdered sugar. Your toppings do not have to be complicated to really enhance the flavor of your favorite morning fare.
Want to add some health benefits to your waffles? The toppings can do it nicely. Try:
- Almond butter or natural peanut butter.
- Sugar free jams and jellies.
- A delicious wild berry compote.
You can top your waffles with whatever you like to make breakfast a healthy meal. A tasty waffle with healthy toppings is a great way to kick off the morning.
Let’s Do Lunch
How about waffles for lunch? Yes, yes, breakfast is the focus here, but people are really getting creative with their waffle making and turning this delicious breakfast food into a culinary experience any time of the day.
Morning waffles can easily become a delicious lunch or dinner. It all comes down to the batter that you use. For example, fried chicken and waffles are a great southern pairing that has made its way into some of the top restaurants in the country.
Savory waffles are a favorite for other times of the day when you want something quick and tasty. Try some of the waffle recipes that use carrots, avocados, meats, cheeses and more. Remember how long to cook waffles in waffle maker relies heavily on what raw ingredients are going into the batter, do adjust cooking times to reflect this.
Let’s Recap
Pretty much everyone agrees, both the experts and us regular folks, that breakfast is important and not something we should be skipping out on. Waffles can be the perfect solution for the busy household that wants to enjoy a great breakfast but that is pressed for time.
You can freeze your favorite waffle creations and have them ready to pop in the toaster on the way out the door. You can also get really creative and amp up the nutrition value of waffles by switching things up a bit to improve on the traditional batter recipe.
If you are concerned about what your family is eating for breakfast, waffles can be the perfect solution to worry less. It is a great solution to what’s for breakfast. You do not need a special occasion to bring the family together for breakfast. Waffles can be a great meal staple any day of the week.
If you do not have a waffle maker you can buy a simple model to get the job done for about $20. Before you know it you will be a pro at creating delicious nutritious breakfast foods that the whole family can get behind. Once you get over that first hurdle of knowing how long to cook waffles in a waffle maker, you will be on your way to cooking amazing meals.